233BIIS OPERATION3n Position data transmissionWhen the optional cable and a GPS receiver is connected tothe transceiver, the position (longitude and latitude) data canbe transmitted automatically.Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details.The position data is transmitted when;• Status 24 message is received*When the status 24 message, GPS request, is received.• Fully automaticWhen automatic position transmission is enabled, sendthe position data according to ‘Time Marker’ and ‘IntervalTimer’ settings.• PTT is releasedWhen ‘Send with Logoff’ is enabled.- Set the ‘Log-In/Off’ item as ‘L-OFF.’• After sending a status messageWhen ‘Send with Status’ is enabled.• After sending an SDMWhen ‘Send with SDM’ is enabled.• After sending status 22 (Emergency)When ‘Send with Emergency’ is enabled.n Printer connectionWhen the optional cable is connected to the transceiver, aprinter can be connected to print out the received SDM con-tent and the ID of the station who sent the message.Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details.n Digital ANIThe own ID can be transmitted each time the PTT is pushed(log-in) or released (log-off) during individual or group callcommunications.By receiving the ANI, the communication log can be recordedwhen using a PC dispatch application.In addition, when using the ANI with log-in, the PTT side tonefunction can be used to inform you that the ID is sent andvoice communication can be performed.n Auto emergency transmissionWhen [Emergency Single (Silent)] or [Emergency Repeat (Si-lent)] is pushed, an emergency signal is automatically trans-mitted for the specified time period.The status 22 (Emergency) is sent to the selected ID station,and the position data is transmitted after the emergency signalwhen a GPS receiver is connected to the transceiver.The emergency transmission is performed on the emergencychannel, however, when no emergency channel is specified,the signal is transmitted on the previously selected channel.There is no change in the function display or beep emissionduring automatic emergency transmission.