53PANEL DESCRIPTIONy TRANSMIT POWER/LOCK KEY [H/L•LOCK]• Selects high, middle or low power when pushed. (p. 9)• Toggles the lock function ON/OFF when pushed and heldfor 1 sec. (p. 10)u SCAN KEY [SCAN•DUAL]• Starts and stops normal or priority scan when pushed.(pgs. 14, 15)• Enters watch mode when pushed and held for 1 sec. (p. 16)i DIAL KEY [DIAL]• Selects the regular channels when pushed. (p. 8)• Selects the U.S.A.*, International, or ATIS† channel groupwhen pushed and held for 1 sec. (p. 8)- The function display shows which channel group is active.*Available with the UK versions only.†Available with the German and Dutch versions only• Push to return to the condition before selecting the chan-nel when the priority channel or the call channel is se-lected.o SPEAKER-MICROPHONE CONNECTOR [SP MIC]Connects the optional external speaker-microphone orheadset.NOTE: Attach the [SP MIC] cap when the optionalspeaker-microphone or headset is not used.!0 ANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna. Function displayq CHANNEL NUMBER READOUT• Indicates the selected operating channel number.• In the SET mode, indicates the selected condition.• “DUP” appears when a duplex channel is selected.w TAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 15)Appears when TAG channel is selected.e BATTERY INDICATORIndicates remaining battery power.IndicationFull Middle Chargingrequired No batteryBattery levelblinks when the battery is overcharged (or over voltage).qw erty uio!0 !1!2!3!4!5 3