134BASIC OPERATION4D Channel name/comment programmingq Push [Y]/[Z] to select a channel toprogram.• Push and hold [DIAL] for 1 sec. to se-lect a channel group, f necessary.w Whle pushng and holdng [ ],push [DIAL].• The 1st character of the currently pro-grammed name or comment blnks.e Push [Y]/[Z] to select a character.r Push [H/L•LOCK] to move to therght; then push [Y]/[Z] to select acharacter.• Pushng [16•C], moves to leftt Contnue untl the desred charac-ters have been selected, then push[DIAL] to return to normal opera-ton.D Opening comment programmingq W h l e p u s h n g a n d h o l d n g[SCAN•DUAL], turn power ON.• “OC” s dsplayed and the 1st characterof the currently programmed commentblnks.w Push [Y]/[Z] to select a character.• Push [SCAN•DUAL] to clears the pre-vously programmed openng comment(all dgts).e Push [H/L•LOCK] to move to therght; then push [Y]/[Z] to select acharacter.• Pushng [16•C], moves to leftr Contnue untl the desred charac-ters have been selected, then push[DIAL] to return to normal opera-ton.The programmed openng comment s brefly dsplayed orscrolled when the transcever s powered ON.However, the openng comment ndcaton can be skppedby pushng [16•C].