11OPERATING RULESD Priorities• Read all rules and regulatons pertanng to prortes andkeep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and dstress callstake prorty over all others.• You must montor Channel 16 when you are not operatngon another channel.• False or fraudulent dstress calls are prohbted under law.D Privacy• Informaton overheard but not ntended for you cannot law-fully be used n any way.• Indecent or profane language s prohbted.D Radio licenses(1) SHIP STATION LICENSEWhen your craft s equpped wth a VHF FM transcever, youmust have a current rado staton lcense before usng thetranscever. It s unlawful to operate a shp staton whch snot lcensed.Inqure through your dealer or the approprate governmentagency for a Shp-Radotelephone lcense. Ths lcense n-cludes the call sgn whch s your craft’s dentficaton for radopurposes.(2) OPERATOR’S LICENSEA restrcted Radotelephone Operator Permt s the lcensemost often held by small vessel rado operators when a rados not requred for safety purposes.The Restrcted Radotelephone Operator Permt must beposted near the transcever or be kept wth the operator. Onlya lcensed rado operator may operate a transcever.However, non-lcensed ndvduals may talk over a transcev-er f a lcensed operator starts, supervses, ends the call andmakes the necessary log entres.A current copy of the applcable government rules and reg-ulatons s only requred to be on hand for vessels n whcha rado telephone s compulsory. However, even f you arenot requred to have these on hand t s your responsbltyto be thoroughly acquanted wth all pertnent rules and reg-ulatons.1