6·4 RECEIVER ADJUSTMENTMEASUREMENT ADJUSTMENTPOINTADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONS VALUEUNIT LOCATION UNIT ADJUSTBAN DPASS 1 • Dl sp layed frequenc ie s : Rear Connee t the Minim um dislortion RF R90FI LTE R 999.0000 MHz. B50.0000 MH z panel distc rtico meter 10 levelend 7 62.0000 MH z Ihe (EXT SP] j a ck with (A1 1e rn ately adlust a- Mode : FM an 8 0 lead. c ouple ot times 10• Co nn ec t tne SSG 10 the [ANT] cotaln good senslüvityconnector and set as : batenee on eachLe ve l : 0.5 ~ V· ( - , 13 dBrn) frequency.)Mcculation : 1 kHzDeviation : ± 3.5 kHz2 • Displayed trequencies : RB9761.0000 MHz. 650.0000 MHza nd 51 3.0000 MHz3 • Di sp layed frequencies : R77 . R7 9250 .0000 MHz. 450 .0000 MHza nd 511 .5000 MHz4 • Displayed trequencle s : R7 3. R7'90.0000 MHz. 150.0000 MHz aod249.0000 MHz5 • Displayed trequencle s : R6B. RBB25 .0000 MHz, 55.0000 MHz.75.0000 MHz and 89.0000 MHz •NOTE: nepeet steps 1 -5 (severet times).REC EIVE R 1 e Dlspla yed freq uen cy: 150.0000 MHz Front ë-meter Maximum value RF L57. L5 B-M ode : WFM panel- Con neet the SSG to the [ANT]connector an d set as :Level : 50 ~V' (- 73 dBm)Modulation : 1 kHzDeviat lon : '50 kHz2 - Mode : FM • MAIN L3. L4- Connecl the SSG to the [ANT] L5. L6conn ec tor and set as: LB . L9Modulation: 1 kHz •Devtatlon : 15 kHz- R297 (MAIN) : Max. CCW3 - Connect tne SSG 10 tne [ANT] Rear Conn ec t the AC Maximum audio output L12connector and set as : panel millivoltmeter 10 the levelModulation : 1 kHz [ EXT SP] Jack wilh anDeviatlon : ±3.5 kHz B 0 lood.4 - Dispfa yed trequency: 150.0000 MHz Front Seneter 59+60 dB R64-M ode : FM panel' '' ~ 7-- Connect the SSG 10 [ANnconnector and set as : I "Level : 50 mV" ( -'3 dBrn)5 - Connect the SSG 10 the (ANT] 59 R60connector and set as : . ~Level : 50 ~ V ' ( -7 3 dBm) • • • • '- .-• ~* Thls output level ct the standard signal generator (SSG) Is indlcated as SSG's open circui t..6-4