RECEIVER ADJUSTMENT (Continueel)MEASUREMENT ADJUSTMENTPOINTADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONS VA lUEUNIT lOCATION UNIT ADJUSTCENTER 1 • Displayed frequency: 150.0000 MHz MAI N Con nec t Ihe 2.7 V MAIN R224METER - M ode : FM oscmosccce or• Conneet Ihe SSG 10 Ih e [ANT] digital multl -meter toconnector end set as : the cathode of 061 .Level : 32 uV' ( -77 dBm)Modu lation : OFF• R32 In the MAIN UNIT: Center2 • Mode: WFM • R1553 • Conneet Ihe SSG 10 the [ANT] Conneet Ihe 1.27 V R32co nnector end set as: oscIIloscope orl evel : 32 uV' (-77 dB m) diglt al rnultl-met er 10Modulat io n : OFF the cathode of 0 4.CENTER 1 • Displayed frequency : 150 .0000 MHz MAIN Conneet Ihe OV MAIN R78STOP -M ode : FM OscIIloscope to me• Connee t tne SSG to tne [A NT] cathode of 018 .con nector and set as :l evel : 32 u v- (-77 dBm)M od ulation : QFFMETER 1 - M ode : FM , Front S-meter SI MAIN R43SOUELCH - [SOUELCH]- a ~ panelcen trot . \ .."':"": .-.-• \ -saUElèH2 - [SOUELCH] c on t rol: CW 59+4 0 dB R66-, ..~~•NOTE : Aepeat steps 1 aod 2 (severat times).NOISE 1 • Mode : FM , ' Front S-meler Squel ch clos es . MAIN R51SQUELCH -(SO UEl CH]'0 panelcon tro l : - f-'/- •SOUELCHNOISE 1 - Displayed Irequency: 26 .0000 MH z MAI N Con neet t he AdJust the maxim um MAIN L1tBLA NK ER -M od e : USB c scurcsccce to the norse wave dlsplayed- [ NB' AFC] switc h : OFF cathode ot 04 7. on the os cmc sccce .- Con necl t he SSG to the [ANl]conn ec tor and se t as :Level : 3.2 uv- ( -97 dBm)Adel Ih e lollowln g signa! lntothe slgnal ge nera tor output.J100 msec;l L-U-1 msec.2 - [ NB ' AF C] switch : ON The norse must ba Verily- Connec t tne SSG to lhe [ANT] btanked.connecto r and set as :Level : 0.1 uV ' (- 87 dBm)Add the same signal above.6-8