Icom iC-F3033S Instruction Manual
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62PANEL DESCRIPTION2SCAN ADD/DEL (TAG) KEY± Push to add a channel to, or delete it from the current scanlist.s 7HEN A CHANNEL IS ADDED TO THE CURRENT SCAN LIST THE DISPLAYshows “SCAN ON.” When a channel is deleted from the currentscan list, the display shows “SCAN OFF.” After showing “SCANON” or “SCAN OFF,” the display shows the current scan list text.± You can add a channel to, or delete it from the scan listafter selecting the list.1. Hold down for 1 second to display the current scan list,and then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select a desiredlist.2. Push this key to add a channel to, or delete it from theselected list.3. Hold down this key for 1 second to exit the scan listselection mode.± Push this key while a scan is paused on a channel, exceptfor primary or secondary channel, and then the channel isdeleted from the scan list.s $EPENDING ON THE SETTING THE DELETED CHANNEL IS ADDED TO THEscan list again after the scan is cancelled. (Nuisance Deletefunction)C.TONE CH ENT KEYPush to select the continuous tone channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code setting. Theselected channel remains set as the continuous tone channeluntil another channel is designated as such.MR-CH 1/2/3/4 KEYSPush to select memory channels 1 to 4 in the operating zonedirectly.MONI KEYMute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelchmute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute while pushingand holding this key.LOCK KEY± Push and hold for 1 second to electronically lock all pro-grammable keys except the following:[Call] (incl. Call A and Call B), [Moni], [Emergency], [Sur-veillance], [Siren], [Lone Worker] and [OPT 1/2/3].± Push and hold for 1 second again to turn the lock functionOFF.HIGH/LOW KEYPush to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-manently, depending on the presetting.s !SK YOUR DEALER FOR THE OUTPUT POWER LEVEL FOR EACH SELECTIONOPT MOMENTARY KEYSControls the output signal level of the optional ports in theoptional unit connector while pushing and holding this key.OPT OUT KEYSPush to control the output signal level of the optional ports inthe optional unit connector.SCRAMBLER FUNCTIONPush to toggle the voice scrambler function ON and OFF. |
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