338DSC OPERATION123456789101112131415162. After sending, the following screenis displayed.• Channel 16 is automatically selected.L See page 29 or page 30 fordetails of the Task mode’s softwarekey functions.NOTE:Transmitting:• A distress alert default contains:- Nature of distress:Undesignated distress (Simple call)Selected in Step 2 (Regular call)- Position information:The latest GPS or manual inputposition is held for 23.5 hours, or untilthe power is turned OFF.Waiting for an acknowledgement:• The transceiver automatically sends aDistress call every 3.5 to 4.5 minutes,until receiving an acknowledgement (‘Callrepeat’ mode), or sending a DSC Cancelcall. (p. 35)• To manually send a Distress Repeat call:Push [Resend] .• To view the call contents:Rotate [CH/ENT].• To pause the ‘Call repeat’ mode:Push [Pause] .To resume it:Push [Resume Countdown] .Step 5. Replying1. When the acknowledgement isreceived:• Alarm sounds.• The following screen is displayed.2. Push any [Alarm Off] .3. Push any [Close Call RCVDWindow] .4. Hold down [PTT] to announce yoursituation.5. Push [Standby] to return tothe Main screen.