42SERVICINGIdeal Logic System - Installation and Servicing51 MaIN pCB REpLaCEMENTNote. Fit the earth strap provided with thePCB to your wrist and secure to a suitableearth on the boiler chassis.1. Refer to Frame 41.2. Note the control knob positions.3. Remove the 2 screws retaining the controlbox cover.4. Carefully lift the 4 retaining clips andremove control box cover.5. Unplug all lead connections to the PCBincluding the ribbon cable (to facilitateribbon cable removal, ease side clips apartand pull upwards), also where applicable,push the small plastic clip with an electricalscrewdriver to facilitate plug removal.6. Spring out the two side retaining clips andpull the PCB upwards to clear the 4 cornerretaining posts.7. Take the new Primary PCB and attach theappropriate Boiler Chip Card (BCC) to it(this should correspond to the output ofthe boiler: 15kW, 18kW, 24kW or 30kW).Note. Ensure the correct orientation ofBCC by placing “TOP” side up as shown.8. Re-connect all plug connections.9. Reassemble in reverse order.10. a. Turn power onb. Displays “8” blue light on/off, “first digitinput”, “second digit input”, “1st letterappliance type”, i.e. “2”, “4”, “s”c. Move knob to required setting (standby,summer, winter)Note. If no BCC fitted on non programmedboard items a & b will be displayed then“Boiler Type Card Fault - Contact Installer”The correct BCC for this appliance will need tobe fitted.11. Check operation of the boiler. Refer toFrames 30 & 31.3 465PlasticClip5Ribbon Cable Connection7Note that production boiler PCBs are factory pre-set to operate for boiler range and output, but when ordering Primary PCB asa spare, an additional Boiler Chip Card (BCC) MUST also be purchased for your specific boiler range and output.sERVICINg