49FAULT FINDINGFAULT FINDING FAULT FINDING FAULT FINDING FAULT FINDING FAULT FINDINGIdeal Logic System - Installation and Servicing64 aLTERNaTINg ‘L’ aND ‘1’ - FLOW TEMpERaTURE OVERhEaT LOCKOUT OR NOWaTER FLOW LOCKOUTIs the Boiler and CH System filled with water and allisolation and radiator valves open?YESFill and vent the system and open allisolation valves, then reset boilerIs the Flow/Return Differential across the Boiler inexcess of 30°C?NOCheck that the Pump is rotating freely. Isthe Differential now below 20°C?YESNOCheck the Control/No Water Flow and ReturnThermistors (Refer to Frame 48 & 59)Replace the Pump,then reset boilerNOOK, nowreset boilerYES65 aLTERNaTINg ‘L’ aND ‘2’ - IgNITION LOCKOUTIf the boiler is reset does the boilerignite for a short time and thenextinguish?YESIs the Gas Pressure available atthe Boiler Inlet (>18 mbar)?Check the detection electrodeand associated harness for:continuity, visual condition andposition (Refer to Frame 47).Check if the condensate pipe isblocked.Check flue is installed correctly.Replace as necessaryNO Check gas supply andrectify faultNOYESIs 215Vdc supply available at theGas Valve? (* See note)YESCheck spark generator andassociated harness for: continuityand visual condition. (Refer toFrame 48) Are these functioningcorrectly?YESCheck ignition electrode andassociated harness for: continuity,visual condition and position.(Refer to Frame 46) Are thesefunctioning correctly?NOCheck siphon and condensatedrain pipe work for blockage andrectify if necessary. Boiler nowworking OK?Check wiring connectionfrom gas valve to PCB forcontinuity. If the wiring isOK then replace the PCBNOReplace SparkGenerator and harnessas necessaryNOReplace IgnitionElectrode andassociated harness asnecessaryNOReplace Gas ValveYES* note: due to the wave form of the rectified voltage, the reading will vary depending on the type of meter used to measure thevalue. In general terms a reading greater than 150V indicates that the correct voltage is supplied to the gas valve.Unplug gas valve. Is resistancebetween outside pins 4KΩ (±2)?YESReplace Gas ValveNOREsET pROCEDURE - To reset boiler, turn mode knob to reset position and immediately turn knob back to required setting.REsET pROCEDURE - To reset boiler, turn mode knob to reset position and immediately turn knob back to required setting.If the PCB has been replaced check a BCC has beenfitted then reset the boiler.