56Fault FindingFault Finding Fault Finding Fault Finding Fault Finding Fault Findingi-mini - Installation and Servicing84 NO DIspLayIs there 230Vac to the boiler at L and N?YESNO Supply power to the boilerIs the wiring from the terminal block to the Main PCBconnected securely?YESNO Connect the wiring from the terminal block to theMain PCB securely.Is the ribbon cable from the main PCB to the UserInterface PCB connected securely?NO Connect the ribbon from the main PCB to the UserInterface PCB securelyYESReplace theUser InterfacePCBIs ribbon cable damaged?YESReplace ribbon cableNONL83 NO hW BUT Ch ONDoes the display show “d” when a tap is on? NO NOYESAre the flow rates correct as per Frame 2.Is the wiring between the PCB and the divertervalve motor connected?YESYESCheck diverter head fully engaged and clipsecured onto waterset.YESIs diverter stuck in the CH positionYESCheck and replace diverter valve actuator head.Is Boiler DHW OK?NOChange diverter valve motorNO Adjust flow rates to achieve 35ºtemp rise and check filter fitted inturbine is not blocked with debris.NO Reconnect wiring orreplace wiring harness ifno continuity.NO Re-engage diverterhead and secure clip towatesetNO Replace PCBIs hot and cold pipework crossed?Is the wiring connectedbetween PCB and DHWsensor?Remove the turbine, andcheck for debris in theturbine & filter. Replaceturbine if necessary. IsDHW OK?YESNORe-connect wiringNOReplace turbine sensor