OPERATIONMove the Master Powerswitch (marked “Power” å) tothe “1” (On) position to use theBalboa Subwoofer.If you will be away from homefor an extended period of time,or if the subwoofer will not beused, switch the Master Powerswitch å to the Off position.The subwoofer Level Control∂ adjusts the volume of thesubwoofer relative to the restof the system. Proper leveladjustment depends on severalvariables such as room size,subwoofer placement, type ofmain speakers and position.Adjust the subwoofer level sothat the volume of the bassinformation is pleasing to you.CROSSOVERADJUSTMENTSThe Crossover FrequencyControl ç determines thehighest frequency at whichthe subwoofer reproducessounds. If your main speakerscan comfortably reproducesome low-frequency sounds,set this control to a lower fre-quency setting, between 50Hzand 100Hz. This will concen-trate the subwoofer’s effortson the ultradeep bass soundsrequired by today’s films andmusic. If you are using smallerbookshelf speakers that donot extend to the lower bassfrequencies, set the low-passcrossover control to a highersetting, between 120Hz and150Hz. This control is not usedwhen the LFE switch is in the“LFE” position.LEVEL CONTROLPOWER6