-3-The ESC333 offers two uniqueuser-convenience features:Automatic Turn-On/Shut-Downand Automatic Digital-InputSelection.The Automatic Turn-On featurewill turn the ESC333 on assoon as a source connected toits digital inputs (such as DVD,CD player with digital output,or any other device featuring acoaxial or optical digital out-put) is switched on, or assoon as the unit connected toits last-used analog inputstarts outputting sound.When using digital inputs, theAutomatic Turn-On can beactivated by turning on eitherone of the connected digitalsources such as a DVD playeror a CD player with digitaloutput. When using analoginputs (TV or AUX), AutomaticTurn-On is available only forthe device that was lastlistened to before the ESC333shut down. In order to listento the other device, theESC333 input needs to bemanually selected by using theInput button on the productand on the remote, which, inturn, disables the AutomaticDigital-Input Selector until theESC333 is shut down.The Automatic Turn-Off shutsthe unit down five minutesafter all sources connectedto its digital inputs are pow-ered down and the deviceconnected to its selectedanalog input stops playing.The Automatic Digital-InputSelector automatically selectsthe source connected to itsdigital inputs when thatsource is powered on. Uponpower down of this digitalunit, if no other source ison, the ESC333 will switchitself off after five minutes.If the analog source that wasselected prior to the digitalsource turning on is still play-ing, the ESC333 will switchback to that other source.Once a digital source is pow-ered on and selected as aninput, turning on a deviceconnected to the other digitalinput will not switch the inputuntil the selected digitaldevice is first powered off.These two features can only beused if the customer does notmanually turn the ESC333 onor off, and does not manuallyselect an input source. Onceeither of these selections ismade manually, the automaticfeatures are disabledas follows:1. If the ESC333 is turned offmanually, it will not turn backon automatically until fiveminutes after the source con-nected to the ESC333 is shutdown. During these five min-utes, it can be turned oneither from the front panel orvia the remote control.2. Once an input source isselected manually, theAutomatic Source-Selectionfeature will remain disableduntil the ESC333 shuts down.3. Once any one of the twodevices connected to theESC333 digital inputs ispowered on and its input isselected by the ESC333, thedevice connected to the otherdigital input of the ESC333cannot be automaticallyselected until the already-selected digital device ispowered down.Important NoteAutomatic On/Off and Automatic Digital-Input Selection