3WALL WALL5 – 6 ft.WALL WALLMODELS SP5, SP6, SP8 AS REAR SPEAKERSMODELS SP6C, SP6CS, SP8C IN CEILINGProper placement of thespeakers is an important step inobtaining the most realisticsoundstage possible. Theserecommendations are for theoptimum placement of the loud-speakers. Use these placementrecommendations as a guide.Slight variations will not dimin-ish your listening pleasure.The front speakers should beplaced the same distance fromeach other as they are from thelistening position. They shouldbe placed at about the sameheight from the floor as thelistener’s ears will be, withthe tweeters aimed toward thelistener at ear-level height.In a home theater configura-tion, the two surround speakersshould be placed slightly be-hind the listening position andideally should face each otherand be at a level higher thanthe listener’s ears. If that is notpossible, they may be placed ina wall (or in the ceiling) behindthe listening position, facingforward. The surround speak-ers should not call attention tothemselves. They shouldprovide a diffuse, ambientsound accompanying the mainprogram material heard in thefront speakers. In Dolby* Digitaland DTS® systems, aim thetweeters toward the listeningposition at ear-level height.MODEL SP6CSModel SP6CS has the capabilityof playing two channelsthrough one loudspeaker,thanks to its dual-tweeter/dual-voice-coil construction. Sincethe tweeters are closetogether, in general they shouldbe aimed away from each otherfor best coverage.For two-channel (stereo) appli-cations, e.g., as a singlespeaker in a remote room of adistributed audio system, installthe SP6CS speaker centrally inthe ceiling for best stereo imag-ing, swiveling the tweeters sothat one points toward the leftand the other toward the rightof the listening position, aimedat ear-level height.The SP6CS may also be used toplay the left and right surroundchannels in a 5.1-channel hometheater system, in which case itshould be mounted in the ceil-ing slightly behind the listeningposition, centered from left toright and with the tweeterspointing toward the left andright of the listening position,aimed at ear-level height. For7.1-channel systems where it isdesired to use two SP6CSspeakers, one to play both theleft surround and surroundback channels and the other toplay both the right surroundand surround back channels,mount each SP6CS speaker inthe ceiling, slightly behind thelistening position, one closer tothe left side of the room and theother closer to the right side.Aim the tweeters away fromeach other, toward the frontand rear of the room.ENGLISH