J-200 SerieswarnInG: risk oF Personal inJury, Drowningor enTrapmenT!Never leave your hot tub unattended for any reason while thecover is open and accessible, especially to small children andanimals!CauTIon: rIsk oF personal InJurY or spa DamaGe!Never add chlorine tablets (trichlor) or acid to your hot tub forany reason! These chemical may damage components withinyour hot tub, burn or irritate your skin, create a rash and voidthe manufacturer warranty for your spa.!13.3 optional CD ozone water maintenance systemIf you have elected to have your spa equipped with the optional JacuzziCD ozone water purification system you will find that your water staysfresh and clear with significantly less chemical sanitizer usage. You willalso probably be able to go longer between complete spa drainings.14.0 error Conditions/error MessagesYour spa has a self-diagnostic control system. The system willautomatically display the following if a problem is detected.14.1 summer logic (spas with Circulation pumpoption)When the actual spa water temperature reaches up to2°F (1°C) above the set temperature, the spa goes into“summer logic.” The 24-hour circulation pump will turn offautomatically to avoid adding additional heat to the water, eventuallycreating an overheat condition. This setting is not user-programmable.note: The summer logic does not take effect until the spa watertemperature reaches 95°F (35°C). This condition is more likely inexcessively hot weather. Remember, the spa’s ability to cool is directlyaffected by the ambient temperature. An excessively hot ambienttemperature may prevent the spa from cooling down because it’sfully insulated construction is designed to retain heat and to minimizeoperating costs.14.2 panel Displays ColCool Condition - Temperature has dropped 20°F (11°C)below the current set temperature. Jets pump 1, (oroptional circulation pump) and the heater have been activated to bringthe temperature to within 15°F (8°C) of the set temperature. Nocorrective action is required!note: This condition is common during first time fill ups or during refillssince tap water is often very cold.39