Page 67J-40014.1 Cleaning the Filter CartridgesA programmable “Please Check Filter”reminder appears on the control paneldisplay after a specified number days toremind you to clean the skimmer filter and tocheck the polishing bag filter. This remindermust be reset at each filter cleaning interval.Refer to Section 12.3 (page 56) for additionalinformation and programming details. Your new spa is equipped with anadvanced 2-stage filtration system. Fine debris are filtered by thecirculation pump drawing water through the ProClear™ skimmer andpleated filter cartridge 12 hours (unless programmed otherwise). Largedebris are filtered when either jets pump is running when the spa is inuse or during a programmed filter cycle. These pumps draw water fromfootwell suction fitting and through a secondary water polishing bag filterand additional filter. The exclusive footwell “sweeper” suction fittingenhances filtration in the footwell area by creating a “swirling” watermotion to maximize particle agitation and pickup.To ensure optimum performance, the ProClear IIskimming filter cartridge (A) must be cleaned everythree months and replaced once a year. The secondaryProClear Plus polishing filter bag (B) should be emptiedweekly and replaced every 3 months. The ProClear IIfilter cartridge (C) must be cleaned every three monthsand replaced once a year. To accomplish this, refer to thefollowing filter cleaning procedure.note: Do not attempt to wash the polishing filter bag (B)or it will come apart!DanGer: Turn POwer TO sPa OFF! TO DeCrease rIsK OFDeath, Drowning, or entraPMent, never oPerate sPa whenFilter is not ProPerly installeD or iF weir asseMbly isDamaGeD Or alTereD!AB2.1. 4. 5.3.1. Remove power to the hot tub before removing the skimmer(A) or filter bag cover (B).2. Remove the polishing bag lid (B) by rotating it counterclockwiseapproximately 5 degrees until you feel it unlatch.3. Remove the polishing bag by reaching into the filter bucket andgently pulling upward on the blue filter ring (empty filter bag weekly102 F Temp.6:45 PMPlease check filter!abC