51.3 Professional Customer ServiceDoing your job in a way that keeps cost of service low and profi t margin high also creates customersatisfaction. That’s being a professional!1.4 Responding To An Incoming Service Call1.0 Standard Troubleshooting Approach (S.T.A.)1.1 Why A Standard Troubleshooting Approach?Service prices are basically set by local industry and geographic region. Stiff competition in the serviceindustry has made it diffi cult to raise the price of a service contract; or charge more for time and mate-rials than the competetive shop down the street. If your business is to be profi table, you must controlthe overall cost of service. The total cost of service is made up of many individual factors, but three inparticular are more important than the rest combined:1.2.3.Time of Repair - How long it takes to find and fi x a problem.Time Between Failures - How often are you called to repair any one particular hot tub? How manytimes are you called back to fix the same problem on the same hot tub?Parts Usage - Except in rare circumstances, only one part fails. How many parts do you replacebefore you fi nd the bad one.The Jacuzzi Premium STA Manual has been designed to help you control the overall cost of serviceby focusing on the three important aspects of your job outlined above. The STA will help you fi x yourcustomer’s hot tub quickly, fi x it well, and use fewer parts.1.2 How To Use The STAThe STA was developed by the Jacuzzi Premium Technical SupportDepartment and is designed to be the communications link betweenyou and your customers. If you call for help on any symptom coveredin this book, you will be told to do what the STA recommends, there-fore, you will save time by calling technical support after you havedone what the STA tells you to do.BePrepared!1.•2.••3.••Phone personnel.Which staff member(s) takes the initial call? This person is responsible for han-dling the call, writing up and making sure that the service technician receives all theinformation the same day.Determine the customer complaint.Determine whether this is a service call or a maintenance issue that can be handled over thephone.Saving you (the technician) time and the company money should be a priority.Verify the model number, serial number and confirm that this is the original owner of the spa.The original owner is the only one covered under the terms of the warranty.Know what components are covered under the terms of the warranty, the length of time of the war-ranty and then confi rm that the owner understands what will and won’t be covered in the event ofa service visit.