Getting Started XG3 User ManualJanam Technologies LLC 2―10Fundamental NavigationBasics― Tap the Windows icon fromthe Home screen to accessthe Start screen of theWindows EmbeddedHandheld Desktop.― Tap the Home icon on theWindows EmbeddedHandheld Desktop to accessthe Home screen.― Tapping the Windows iconfrom the WindowsEmbedded HandheldDesktop provides alternativeaccess to the GettingStarted menu. IMPORTANT NOTE!Always use the supplied stylus for tapping or making strokes on the screen.DO NOT use a pen, pencil or any other object on the touch screen.Key Status Icons and ControlsWindows Embedded Handheld Desktop TimeAudioSignalConnectivityNotificationsBatteryStop, HomeScreenLockToggle, Windows EmbeddedHandheld Desktop /HomeHome Screen Start ScreenWindows Icon