Setting Up the XG3 Device XG3 User ManualJanam Technologies LLC 3―15Battery PowerMain and backup battery status1. Tap Settings (icon) from the Windows Embedded HandheldStart screen.2. Tap Power (icon). Main Battery and Backup Battery status aredisplayed in bar charts from 0% to 100%.Power ManagementConserving Battery PowerXG3 devices feature multiple power conservation options, some of which employ timers that canbe set to strike a balance between user preference and optimal battery life. On battery powertimers control the selected action only when the device is being operated on battery power. Onexternal power timers control the selected action only when the device is being used with anexternal power supply. Tip: Whenever practical, you can conserve battery life by:1. Using the AC adapter to plug the XG3 device into an externalpower source.2. Manually or auto-suspend device operation as often as is practical3. Reduce the backlight brightness setting4. Turn off any wireless functionality (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) when not inuse