Page 8ENGLISHJandy ® Pro Series, White LED Lights | Installation Manual5.1 Wiring to an AquaLink® RS ControlSystemThe Jandy Pro Series White LED Lights can be wiredinto the Jandy Pro Series AquaLink® RS control systemto provide simplified operation of the lights. Connect thelights to one of the auxiliary relays in the Power Center.NOTE It is recommended to connect one light per relay soeach light can be controlled separately. However, up tofour lights can be connected on a single relay. If thereare more than four lights installed on one AquaLink RSsystem, ensure there is more than one auxiliary relayavailable in the Power Center.Refer to Figures 2 and 3 to connect the Jandy Pro SeriesWhite Lights to the Power Center.WARNINGRISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK ORELECTROCUTION, which could result in seriousinjury or death. A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI) must be provided for 120 volt models. AGround Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) for 120Volt transformers should be used if required by thetransformer manufacturer or if required by the localapplicable code and/or Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). When a GFCI is used, the conductors on theload side of the GFCI circuit shall not occupy conduit,boxes, or enclosures containing other conductorsunless the additional conductors are also protected bya GFCI. Refer to local codes for complete details.NOTE The Jandy Pro Series White Lights are available in120-volt and 12-volt versions. If installing a 12-voltlight, a NRTL certified 120-volt/12-volt step-down (AC)transformer must be used. For more information about12-volt installations, refer to Section 8 of this manual.5.2 Wiring to a Time ClockThe Jandy Pro Series White LED Lights can be wiredinto a basic time clock to automatically turn on the lightsat a predesignated time. Refer to Figure 4 to connect thelights into the time clock.5.3 Wiring to a SwitchThe Jandy Pro Series White LED Lights can be wiredinto a switch to manually turn on/off the lights. Refer toFigure 5 to connect the lights into the switch.GFCIBlackWhiteGreenGroundGroundNeutral120 VACPower SupplyBlackWhiteGreenJUNCTIONBOX120VLEDLightFigure 2. 120-Volt Jandy Pro Series White LEDLight Wiring DiagramBlackWhiteGreenGroundNeutral120 VACPower SupplyBlackWhiteGreenJUNCTIONBOX12VLEDLight120V/12VTransformerBlackWhiteGreenFigure 3. 12-Volt Jandy Pro Series White LED LightWiring Diagram