13tion of the disk you have cut from the bar stock. Mea-sure at the top and bottom of the disk.The saw blade can be considered correctly adjustedwhen the variation measure is no more than 0.012 inchacross the face of the disk.If you do not have a piece of 2-inch bar stock avail-able for a test cut, use a larger diameter test piecerather than a smaller one. The maximum thicknessvariation on any test piece should be no more than0.003 inch, per side, per inch of stock diameter.Adjustment of the LimitSwitch1. The limit switch is provided to shut off the saw motorwhen the workpiece is cut through.2. To set the limit switch, loosen the jam nut on the limitswitch stop (figure15).3. Adjust the stop as required and retighten jam nut.MaintenanceCleaning1. Clean off any preservative on machine surfaces.2. After cleaning, coat the machined surfaces of thecut-off saw with a medium consistency machineoil. Repeat the oil coating process at least everysix months.3. Clean up accumulated saw cuttings after use. Makesure the lead screw is kept free of saw cuttings andother material that would cause damage.4. Clean the chip sludge from the coolant tank. Thefrequency should be determined by how often thesaw is used.LubricationLubricate the following components at the specifiedfrequencies and using the lubricants as defined:the center locking screw with an Allen wrench (seefigure 12).4. Position the bearing by turning the bushing. Setthe clearance at approximately 0.001 inch. (Theblade should be in a vertical position between thebearings. (See figure 13.)5. Tighten the center locking screw with an Allen wrenchwhile holding the eccentric bushing in position withthe 3/4-inch wrench.6. Use the same procedure to adjust the other guidebearing.7. When the adjustment is correct, the guide bear-ings should rotate freely with slight pressure of thefinger (with the blade stopped).8.Adjust blade-edge bearings so they just touchthe back edge of the blade (see figure 19).Test Cutting to VerifyAdjustment AccuracyTest cuts can be used to determine whether or notyou have adjusted the blade accurately. Use 2-inchround bar stock to perform these test cuts, as follows:1. With the bar stock securely clamped in the vise,make a cut through the bar stock. (See figure 14.)2. Mark the top of the bar stock.3. Move the bar stock about 1/4-inch past the blade soyou can begin a second cut.4. Rotate the bar stock 180 degrees so the mark youmade is now at the bottom of the cut.5. Make a cut through the bar stock.6. Use a micrometer to measure the thickness varia-Figure 14: Cutting a test disc1. Clamp in vise and mark topof barstock here 2. Cut off a slice ofthe bar stock3. Rotate stock in viseso mark is at bottom4. Cut off a newslice from thestock5. Measurehere...New slice7. Differences betweenmeasurements at edgesof disc should be lessthan .003 inches perinch per side of stockdiameter6. ...measurehereJam NutAdjustmentScrewSwitchRollerLimitSwitchFigure 15: Limit switch adjustment