7IntroductionThis manual includes the operating and maintenanceinstructions for the JET 10-inch by 16-inch Cut Off BandSaw, Models J-7020/J-7040. This manual also includesparts listings and illustrations of replaceable parts.Operating InstructionsControlsThe operating controls for the saw are provided in acontrol panel on the left side of the machine. The con-trol panel is mounted on a pivoting tube. The pivotingtube allows the operator to position the control panel ina convenient location.Figure 1: Control panel1. A power-on light is provided on the left side of thecontrol panel. The power-on light indicates whenpower is connected to the machine.2. A n emergency stop button is provided on thecontrol panel. The emergency stop button pro-vides a means to rapidly cut off electricalpower.3. The saw motor pushbutton switch starts the sawmotor and the E-stop button stops the saw motor.4. A green pushbutton switch is provided to the rightof the emergency stop pushbutton. The pushbuttonopens an electro-magnetic valve in the hydrauliccylinder circuit. Opening the valves allows the sawhead to move downward and put the saw blade incontact with the workpiece.5. A red release button on the electro-magneticvalve provides a means to lower the saw headwhen power to the machine has been discon-nected (see figure 4).6. The rate at which the saw head moves downwardis controlled by a hydraulic feed rate controllocated on the top, rear of the saw head (seefigure 3).7. A coolant pump switch is provided on the electri-cal equipment box on the back of the machine(see figure 2).EmergencyResetButtonSaw HeadPushbuttonPower-onLightMotorPushbuttonSetting Blade Speed1. The blade speed is controlled by an adjustmentmechanism on the right end of the saw. Speedincreases when the adjustment knob is turnedcounterclockwise. Speed decreases when theknob is turned clockwise.2. A placard on the drive belt guard provides recommended speeds for various materials.3. A speed indicator is provided on the barrel of theadjustment mechanism. The indicator providesspeed indications in feet per minute and metersper minute. (The meters per minute values areshown in parenthesis on the indicator.)4. The feed rates on the placard are expressed inmeters per minute. The feed rate graduationsavailable on the indicator may not match therecommended feed rate. An approximate speedmay therefore be required. For example, to set aspeed rate of 25 meters per minute, the indicatorwould be set about midway between 21 meters-per-minute and the 30 meters-per-minute gradu-ations.WARNING: TO CHANGE SPEED, THE SAWMOTOR MUST BE OPERATING.5. Turn the speed adjustment knob to the desiredrate setting as determined by the material beingcut.CoolantPumpSwitchFigure 2: Coolant pump switch