115. When the outfeed table and blade number oneare the same height, tighten table lock screw.6. The knives must be parallel with the outfeedtable. Bring the straight edge forward to thefront of the outfeed table and confirm that bladenumber one is at the same height at the front ofthe table as it is at the back of the table.7. If blade is higher or lower at one point, slightlyloosen five screws (A, Fig. 10) by turning clock-wise as viewed from the infeed table.8. Place the knife setting gauge (B, Fig. 10) onthe cutterhead over the blade. Continue loos-ening the five screws until the springs push theknife up into contact with the gauge. Alternatelytighten the five screws to hold each blade inplace.9. Repeat this process with blades two and three.The outfeed table and cutterhead knivesare correctly adjusted when all threeblades are parallel to the outfeed table andall three blades are set at the same heightin the cutterhead.After the outfeed table has been set at the correctheight, do not change it except for special opera-tions or after replacing the knives.If the outfeed table is set too high, a curved finishedsurface results. (Fig. 11)If the outfeed table is set too low, gouging results atthe end of the cut. (Fig. 12)Figure 13 illustrates the outfeed table at the correctheight.Fig. 10Fig. 11Fig. 12Fig. 13