152. Tighten quill lock (G, Figure 8).3. Screw micrometer nut (H1) against quill stop(L), and tighten micrometer jam nut (H2).4. Loosen quill lock (G), and engage auto feedlever (E).5. Choose downfeed rate (M).6. Engage feed reversing knob (K).7. Engage feed trip lever (I).Note: Always make a test cut to verify that depthof cut is correct.12.6 Mill head – left/right movementMake sure machine base issecured to floor before repositioning mill head.The center of gravity can shift enough to causethe machine to tip over, resulting in seriousinjury to operator and damage to machine.1. Loosen four large hexagonal nuts that securethe mill head to the ram adapter (refer toFigure 9). One-quarter (1/4) turn should besufficient to allow the head to move.NOTE: For angles greater than 10 degrees,use your free hand to support the mill head,taking some weight off the brass worm gears.Doing so will greatly lengthen the life of theworm gears.2. Turn worm nut (B, Figure 9) to tilt head left orright as required. Use the scale on the ramadapter to set desired angle.Note: The scales on the ram adapter and forhead rotation are guides only. Close tolerancework will require the use of a dial indicator tomake sure the head is 90° to the table in the Xand Y axis. Please note the table is fitted to beslightly higher in front, usually about 0.0005”.Figure 9: Mill head movementBe sure to apply torque in twosteps using a crossing pattern. Failure to do socould distort the face of the ram adapter.3. Tighten the four hexagonal nuts. Tighten intwo steps using a calibrated torque wrench.Use a crossing pattern to tighten the nuts.Tighten initially to 25 foot-pounds.4. Before applying final torque, check to makesure the mill head is perpendicular to theworktable.5. Set up a dial indicator in a collet and secureusing the draw bar (refer to Figure 10).Figure 10: Test perpendicularity6. Put spindle drive in neutral.7. Set dial indicator plunger on worktable. Zerothe indicator.8. Rotate spindle 180 degrees (when rotating,raise dial indicator plunger by hand to preventit from dropping into table T-slots).9. Read dial indicator – it should read zero. If not,loosen the four hex nuts and reposition the millhead.10. Recheck perpendicularity using dial indicator.Repeat procedure above until dial indicatorreads zero in both positions.Be sure to apply torque in twosteps using a crossing pattern. Failure to do socould distort the face of the ram adapter.11. Tighten the four hex nuts. Tighten in two stepsusing a calibrated torque wrench. Use acrossing pattern to tighten the nuts. Tighten toa final torque of 50 foot-pounds.