26SetThe term "set" refers to the way in which thesaw teeth are bent or positioned. Set patternsare usually selected depending on the type ofmaterial that needs to be cut. Three common setpatterns are shown in Figure 39.Generally, the Raker set is used for cuttingmetal workpieces; the Wave set, when thethickness of the workpiece changes, such ascutting hollow tubing or structurals. The Straightset is most often preferred when cutting wood orplastics.Figure 39MaterialBand saw blades can be made from differenttypes of materials. Some of the most commoninclude spring steel, carbon steel, carbon steelequipped with a high speed or welded edge (bi-metal), or carbide tips. A special type of sawblade is made from "high speed steel"; theseshould not be used on band saws with low ratesof speed.Because of the importance of blade selection, itis recommended that you use the BladeSelection Guide on page 27.When cutting, do notoverfeed the blade; overfeeding will reduceblade life, and may cause the blade to break.Blade BreakageBand saw blades are subject to high stressesand breakage may sometimes be unavoidable.However, many factors can be controlled to helpprevent most blade breakage. Here are somecommon causes for breakage:1. Misalignment of the blade guides2. Feeding work too fast3. Using a wide blade to cut a short radiuscurve4. Excessive tension5. Teeth are dull or improperly set6. Upper guides are set too high off theworkpiece7. Faulty weld on bladeMaintenanceBefore any intervention onthe machine, disconnect it from the electricalsupply by pulling out the plug. Failure tocomply may cause serious injury.Keep bearing guides clean and free of build-up.Check that the cleaning brush over the bandwheel is working properly, and remove anydeposits from the band wheels to avoid vibrationand blade breakage.The table surface should be kept clean and freeof rust for best results. Some users prefer apaste wax coating. Another option is talcumpowder applied with a blackboard eraser rubbedin vigorously once a week; this will fill castingpores and form a moisture barrier. This methodprovides a table top that is slick and allows rustrings to be easily wiped from the surface.Important also is the fact that talcum powder willnot stain wood or mar finishes as wax pickupdoes.Do not let saw dust build up in the upper andlower wheel housings. Vacuum out frequently.Connect the band saw to a JET dust collectionsystem.Clean and grease the raising/lowering rack forthe upper bearing guides if it becomes difficult toraise or lower.Clean and oil the tensioning mechanism if itbecomes difficult to adjust.Vacuum out the motor fan cover.