24MaintenancePROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTIONLOWWATERTEMPERATUREImproper fuel or water in fuel Replace with clean and proper fuel.Low fuel pressure Increase fuel pressure.Weak fuel pump Check fuel pump pressure. Replace pump ifneeded.Fuel filter partially clogged Replace as needed.Soot build-up on coils not allowingheat transfer Clean coils.Improper burner nozzle See specifications.WATERTEMPERATURETOO HOTIncoming water to machine warm orhot Lower incoming water temperature.Fuel pump pressure too high See specifications for proper fuel pressure.Fuel pump defective Replace fuel pump.Detergent line sucking air Tighten all clamps. Check detergentlines for holes.Defective temperature switch Replace.Incorrect fuel nozzle size See specifications for proper fuel nozzle.Insufficient water supplied Check water G.P.M. to machine.Restricted water flow Check nozzle for obstruction, proper size.PUMPNOISYAir in suction line Check water supply and connections onsuction line.Broken or weak inlet or dischargevalve springs Check and replace if necessary.Excessive matter in valves Check and clean if necessary.Worn bearings Check and replace if necessary.PRESENCEOF WATERIN OILOil seal worn Check and replace if necessary.High humidity in air Check and change oil twice as often.WATERDRIPPINGFROMUNDER PUMPPiston packing worn Check and replace if necessary.O-Ring plunger retainer worn Check and replace if necessary.Cracked piston Check and replace if necessary.Pump protector Lower water supply pressure. Do not runwith spray gun closed longer than 2 minutesKarcher HDS 600-606 Operator’s Manual 9.800-080.0-AC