4 EnglishWARNING!When using this product basicprecautions should always be followed,including the following:! Read all the instructions beforeusing the product.! To reduce the risk of injury, close su-pervision is necessary when a pro-duct is used near children.! Know how to stop the product andbleed pressures quickly. Be thoroug-hly familiar with the controls.! Stay alert ñ watch what you aredoing.! Do not operate the product when fa-tigued or under the influence of alco-hol or drugs.! Keep operating area clear of all per-sons.! Do not overreach or stand on unsta-ble support. Keep good footing andbalance at all times.! Follow the maintenance instructionsspecified in the manual.! This Product Is Provided With AGround Fault Circuit Interrupter BuiltInto The Power Cord Plug. If Repla-cement Of The Plug Or Cord Is Nee-ded, Use Only IdenticalReplacement Parts.! Risk of Injection or Injury ñ Do NotDirect Discharge Stream At Per-sons.! High pressure jets can be dangerousif misused. The jet must not be direc-ted at persons, animals, electricaldevices, or the machine itself.! Wear safety goggles.! Do not use acids and solvents in thisproduct. These products can causephysical injuries to the operator andirreversible damage to the machine.! To reduce the risk of electrocution,keep all connections dry and off theground. Do not touch plug with wethands.! The Trigger Gun Safety Lock PRE-VENTS the trigger from accidentallybeing engaged. This safety featureDOES NOT lock trigger in the ONposition.! Do not use extension cord with thisunit.This product must be grounded. If itshould malfunction or breakdown,grounding provides a path of least resi-stance for electric current to reduce therisk of electric shock. This product isequipped with a cord having an equip-ment-grounding conductor and a groun-ding plug. The plug must be pluggedinto an appropriate outlet that is proper-ly installed and grounded in accordancewith all local codes and ordinances. DANGERImproper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a riskof electrocution. Check with a qualifiedelectrician or service personnel if youare in doubt as to whether the outlet isproperly grounded. Do not modify theplug provided with the product - if it willnot fit the outlet, have a proper outlet in-stalled by a qualified electrician. Do notuse any type of adapter with this pro-duct.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSGROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS