English 5This product is supplied with a GroundFault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) built intothe power cord plug. This device provi-des additional protection from the risk ofelectric shock. If power is interrupted inthe line, the GFCI will automatically re-close the circuit to the load after poweris restored. Depending on the GFCI mo-del, it may be necessary to manuallyoperate the reset button to restore po-wer to the GFCI load circuit. If replace-ment of the plug or cord is needed useidentical replacement parts. CAUTIONDirt in the feed water will damage theunit. To avoid this risk, we recommendfitting a water filter.! Water hose must be at least 5/8 inchin diameter.! Flow rate of water supply must notfall below 2 GPM (gallons per minu-te).! Flow rate can be determined by run-ning the water for one minute into anempty 5-gallon container.! The water supply temperature mustnot exceed 104∞F/40∞C.! Never use the pressure washer todraw in water contaminated with sol-vents, e.g. paint thinners, gasoline,oil, etc.! Always prevent debris from beingdrawn into the unit by using a cleanwater source.SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS!" STEP 1:" STEP 2:" STEP 3:" STEP 4: Attach the high pressurehose to the trigger gun.Pull out the locking slide from theright side of the trigger gun handle(A), and insert the small end of thehigh pressure hose into place (B).Push the locking slide back into thetrigger gun (C) to lock the hose in po-sition (D).GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT IN-TERRUPTER PROTECTIONWATER SUPPLY(Cold Water Only)ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS