17What to Check And How To CheckTrailer Storage PreparationIf your trailer is to be stored for an extended period oftime or over the winter, it is important that the trailer beprepared properly.1. Remove the emergency breakaway battery andstore inside, out of the weather. Charge the batteryat least every 90 days.2. Jack up the trailer and place jack stands undertrailer frame so that the weight will be off the tires.Never jack up or place jack stands on the axle tubeor on the equalizers.3. Lubricate mechanical moving parts that areexposed to weather, such as the hitch and suspen-sion parts.NOTE: On oil lubricated hubs the upper part of theroller bearings are not immersed in oil and are subjectto potential corrosion. For maximum bearing life it isrecommended that you revolve your wheelsperiodically (every 2-3 weeks) during periods ofprolonged storage.After Prolonged Storage — Inspection ProceduresBefore removing trailer from jack stands:1. Remove all wheels and hubs or brake drums. Notewhich spindle and brake that the drum wasremoved from so that it can be reinstalled in thesame location.2. Inspect suspension for wear.3. Check tightness of hanger bolt, shackle bolt and U-bolt nuts per recommended torque values.4. Check brake linings, brake drums and armaturefaces for excessive wear or scoring.5. Check brake magnets with an ohmmeter. Themagnets should check 3.2 ohms. If shorted or wornexcessively, replace.6. Lubricate all brake moving parts using a hightemperature brake lubricant. (Lubriplate or equiva-lent).CAUTION: Do not get grease or oil on brake liningsor magnet face.7. Remove any rust from braking surface andarmature surface of drums with fine emery paper orcrocus cloth. Protect bearings from contaminationwhile so doing.8. Inspect oil or grease seals for wear or nicks.Replace if necessary.9. Lubricate hub bearings. Refer to procedure inmanual.10. Reinstall hubs and adjust bearing per instructionsin manual.Landa ECOS 7000 Operator’s Manual 9.801-316.0 - E