9Important Trailer Safety InformationAdd the missing pounds of air pressure to each tire thatis under inflated.Check all tires to make sure they have the same airpressure.If you have been towing your trailer and think that a tireis under inflated, fill it to the recommended cold inflationpressure indicated on your trailer's tire label placard orthe VIN label. You can also check the sidewall of thetire for a correct tire inflation pressure. Your tire willhave a slightly lower air pressure because the tire iswarm when you are inflating it, but it will be much betterthan to continue to tow it with the under inflation it mayhave had. Once the trailer has been parked longenough to allow the tires to cool down, recheck the tirepressure and add additional air to return the tirepressure to the recommended level.Tire SizeTo maintain the trailer's carrying capacity and safety,purchase only the same size tires as what were origi-nally supplied on the trailer.Safety TipsSlow down if you have to go over a pothole or otherobject in road.Do not run over curbs and try not to strike the curbwhen parking.For a free brochure visit:www. nhtsa.dot.govIMPORTANT: Before towing this trailer be sure toread the instructions and warnings supplied in thismanual. Also read the information supplied withyour tow vehicle so you know and understand it'slimitations.Never Tow the Trailer Before Checking:• Coupler and latch assembly show no signs ofwear or damage.• Coupler hitch and hitch ball are of the samesize.• Coupler and safety chains are safely secured tothe hitch.• Check all fasteners for proper tightness.• Load is securely tied down to the trailer.• Wheel lug nuts are properly tightened to theright torque.• Wheel bearings are properly adjusted andmaintained.• Load is within the maximum load carryingcapacity of trailer.• Tires are properly inflated and are road worthy.• All trailer lighting is working properly.• Tire pressure and tire condition• Wheel lugs*• Bearing lube and tightness• Hitch• Safety chains• 12V running lights• Distribution and security• Caster up in travel position* Check lug nuts for tightness before initial trip, at 10miles, 25 miles and 50 miles. Recheck every 3 monthsor 3000 miles.NOTE: Checking all of the above steps before everytrip is key for safety.IMPORTANT: The load must be distributed equallyon the bed of the trailer if possible. Heavy, concen-trated loads may cause damage or possible failureof the trailer.WARNING: Loads place on the trailer must besecurely tied to the trailer. Always use appropriatetie downs designed to restrict loads from movingwhen properly attached. Failure to do so will allowshifting of the load causing potential trailer failureand/or loss of the load and personal injury.This trailer is equipped to meet all applicable federalsafety standards in effect the day of manufacture.Check local and state requirements regarding any addi-tional equipment that may be required.The addition of optional equipment to your trailer mayin- crease the total weight of your trailer package towhere it now exceeds the maximum load carryingcapacity of the trailer.Landa ECOS 7000 Operator’s Manual 9.801-316.0 - E