English 13Symptom Cause SolutionOUTPUT PRES-SUREVARIES HIGHAND LOWSpray nozzle is obstructed Blow out or remove debris with a fi neneedleCalcifi ed gun, hose or spraywand Run distilled vinegar through detergentsuction tube.NO DETER-GENTDetergent suction tube notproperly connected to themachineCheck connectionDetergent is too thick Dilute detergent, for best results useKärcher detergentFilter on detergent suctiontube is cloggedRun warm water through fi lter to removedebrisDamaged or clogged deter-gent suction tubeRemove obstruction or replace deter-gent suction tubeA high pressure nozzle isattachedReplace with black detergent nozzleSpray nozzle is obstructed Blow out or remove debris with fi neneedleGARDEN HOSECONNECTIONLEAKSLoose fi ttings Tighten fittingsMissing/worn rubber washer Insert new washerSPRAY WANDLEAKSSpray wand not properlyattachedTurn the swivel nut of the gun clockwiseuntil connection is tightBroken o-ring or plasticinsertVisit www.karcher-help.com or locate aservice center at :www.karcher-service.comPUMP IS NOISY Not enough gas or engineoilCheck that hoses and fittings are airtight.Turn off machine and purge pump bysqueezing trigger gun until a steady flowof water emerges through the nozzleWATER LEAKSFROM PUMP(UP TO 10DROPS PERMINUTE IS PER-MISSIBLE)Loose fi ttings Check fi ttingsWater seals are damagedor worn.Visit www.karcher-help.com or locate aservice center at :www.karcher-service.comThermal protection deviceis activated.Thermal protection device will autoreset. Do not run pump for more than 5minutes without spraying.OIL DRIP Oil seals are damaged orworn Visit www.karcher-help.com or locate aservice center at :www.karcher-service.comTROUBLESHOOTINGIf the symptom you are experiencing is not listed above, or if the provided solutions do notsolve your issue, please visit our extensive online troubleshooting database at:www.karcher-help.com