14 Englishtheir safety, and understand theresultant hazards involved.● Only people who have beeninstructed on how to use the de-vice, or have proven their abilityto operate it, and have been ex-plicitly instructed to use it, mayuse the device. ● Children mustnot operate the device. ● Chil-dren from the minimum age of 8may use the appliance if theyare properly supervised or havebeen instructed in its use by aperson responsible for theirsafety, and if they have under-stood the resultant hazards in-volved. ● Children must besupervised to prevent them fromplaying with the appliance.● Children may only performcleaning work and user mainte-nance under supervision. CAUTION ● Safety devicesare provided for your own pro-tection. Never modify or bypasssafety devices.Operation DANGER● Operation in explosive atmos-pheres is prohibited.● Risk of explosion Never use the device to vacu-um up combustible gases, liq-uids or dusts. Never use the device to vacu-um up reactive metal dusts(e.g. aluminium, magnesium,zinc). Never use the device to vacu-um up undiluted brine or ac-ids. Never use the device to vacu-um up any burning or smoul-dering objects/matter.These substances can corrodethe materials in use on the de-vice. WARNING● Risk of injury. Do not use thenozzle and suction pipe athead height. CAUTION● Never leave the device unsu-pervised while it is in opera-tion.● Accidents or damage due tothe device falling over. Beforeall actions with or on the de-vice, you must make sure thatit is stable.ATTENTION● Protect the device from ex-treme weather conditions,moisture and heat.● Never use the device without afilter, this can lead to devicedamage.Care and serviceNote● Switch off the device and re-move the battery pack beforeperforming any care and ser-vice work. CAUTION● Have repair work and work onelectrical components carried