Press repeatedly until LinEAr isdisplayed Ensure that there are no objects on theweighing pan. Start linearisation with . The value of thefirst adjustment weight will be displayed.(example) Place adjustment weight and acknowledge by. The scales will change to zero display. Take away adjustment weight. After a shorttime the value of the second adjustment weightappears in the display.(example) Place second adjustment weight andacknowledge by . The scales will changeto zero display. Take away adjustment weight. After a shorttime the value of the third adjustment weightappears in the display.(example) Place third adjustment weight andacknowledge by . The scales will changeto zero display. Take away adjustment weight. After a shorttime the value of the forth adjustment weightappears in the display.(example) Place forth adjustment weight andacknowledge by . The scales will changeto zero display. Take away adjustment weight. After a shorttime the value of the fifth adjustment weightappears in the display.(example)12 EMS-BA-e-1514