MRS-BA-defsi-0410 1104.5.2.4 Setting method name• METHODMETHOD ttt... Enter the name for the method4.5.3 Starting weight• SETTARGETWEIGHTWEIGHT CHECK ON/OFF Switch check on/offNOMINAL 5.000 gUPPER LIMIT 6.000 gLOWER LIMIT 4.000 gEnter nominal weightDefine upper limitDefine lower limitWith the aid of the «TARGET WEIGHT», you can weigh the sampleexactly to check that it matches a defined reference valueplus/minus permissible deviations."+", "–" and « » are active in the display.If « » lights up, this indicates that the measurement lies withinthe defined tolerances, and the drying process can commence. Ifthe sample weight lies outside the starting weight tolerance, thedrying process cannot be activated. In this case the starting weighttolerances are displayed on the screen as an error message.4.5.4 Units• UNITUNIT 100-0%0-100%ATRO 100-999%ATRO 0-999%G/KGRESIDUAL WEIGHTWEIGHT LOSSBALANCE WEIGHTThe unit of the measurement results printed in the report can beselected in the «UNIT» menu option. The defined unit is also usedto print out interim values. The unit of measurement for the printoutcan only be changed before, and not during, a measurement.The unit selected is also used as the display unit, although it canalso be adjusted during and after the measurement . (see chapter4.6.3"The change key")