MRS-BA-defsi-0410 138Fault Possible causesResults ofweighing areclearly incorrect• The instrument has not been correctly tared• The instrument has not been correctly levelled• The calibration is no longer correct• Sharp temperature fluctuations occurThe weightdisplay changescontinuously• The draft is too strong at the location of theinstrument• The instrument support is vibrating orfluctuating• The weighing pan is touching a foreign body• The sample is absorbing moisture• The sample isevaporating/vaporising/subliming• Sharp changes in temperature in the sampleConfigurationmenu cannot bechanged• The password lock is activated in theconfiguration menuThe displayflashescontinuouslyduringcalibration• The instrument location is not quiet enough(interrupt calibration with «ON/OFF» andmove the balance to a better location).• Use of a calibration weight which is tooimprecise (only applies to external calibration)The connectedprinter won'twork• The printer is not switched on• The data cable is faulty or not connected• The interface settings do not match themoisture analyzerThe printerprints incorrectcharacters• The parity setting or the baud rate of theinterface don't match• The data cable is faultyDrying won'tstart• The sample is not stable