Instructions for use ESTETICA E304 Operation | 4.13 Use USB interface▶ Place the INTRA LUX KL 703 LED back in the holder.NoteIf the unit was switched to "Instant ENDO" mode, ENDO mode is only inter-rupted when the ENDO motor is placed in the holder, and it is continuedwhen the ENDO motor is removed.The function can be set by the service technician.See also:2 4.12.2 Call up ENDO mode, Page 944.13 Use USB interfaceCAUTIONElectrical power.Electrical shock.▶ Set up the external PC outside of the patient environment keeping a min-imal distance of 1.5 m.▶ Connect the PC and equipment connected to the PC in accordance with IEC60601-1 / 60950.CAUTIONElectrical power.Electrical shock from incorrectly connecting a non-medical system to the USBinterfaces of the device.▶ Connect any IT device to the medical system in accordance with IEC60601-1.▶ Use USB devices with no additional power supply (USB-powered) only.▶ Applied parts connected to the USB interface of the dentist element mustcomply with the requisite insulation.▶ USB-powered devices failing to meet the requisite insulation for appliedparts must be placed appropriately such that direct contact of the USBdevice and the patient is excluded.▶ It is not permissible to touch USB-powered devices failing to meet the re-quisite insulation for applied parts and the patient at the same time.The treatment unit may be fitted with up to three USB ports. Camera interfacesare situated on the underside of the dentist element (T-table) or in the dentistelement (S-table). Only the cameras approved/enclosed in the delivery by KaVomay be connected to these interfaces.The USB port in the back is connected directly to the back-of-the-head PC (inthe presence of the corresponding wiring). USB devices meeting the specifica-tions listed above can be connected to this interface. To use USB devices thathave been connected, it may be necessary to install a suitable driver softwareon the back-of-the-head PC.Getting the USB ports ready for use▶ To run an USB device, connect the USB port in the terminal box of thetreatment centre to an external back-of-the-head PC. Use one or maximallytwo USB extension cables 5 m (Mat. no. 1.004.6953) according to need.▶ USB devices connected to the dentist element must meet the USB stand-ards, USB 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0, and consume max. 500 mA of electrical power.97 / 134