Version 2013-08-10Page 41 of 48Operating instructions 82132/3XXX - Combi B 30The running opening delay can be canceled any time by pressing twice.If the Incorrect code signal is output after the code input, the entry must be repeated completely. After 3 incorrect inputsthe lock switches to the guard time (see chapter 10.5).Courier code:After entering the courier code (ID 95) the lock can be opened immediately if the programmed OD (opening delay) isavoided in a certain manner (steps 2 and 3 are omitted).Double code mode:In the double code mode the entire double code must be entered in step 3 according to 10.3. The OD is, thus, startedonly by the input of an individual code.Avoiding the OD/OST with the courier code in the double code mode:To enable this, the courier code must be the first entered code in the double code mode. Then the second code (not thecourier code) can be entered and after that the lock can be opened.Inspection key:The OD can be avoided if the inspection key is used, but it cannot be deleted (see chapter 11.1).10.3 Opening with double codeDescription 1. Enter the first valid opening code and(ID = 00 to 30 or 95, X = programmed 6-digit combination for the corresp. ID number) 2x 2x 3x 3x2. Now the signal for the input of the second is displayed (1x ; 2 s break)3. Enter another valid opening code and(ID = 00 to 30 or 95, however, other than in step 1, Y = programmed 6-digit combination for the corr. ID number) 2x 2x 3x 3x4. Turn the actuating knob within 4 seconds through 90° clockwise to the stop .Table 23: Opening with double codeThe operator IDs of both codes must not match. The order of the code input is irrelevant, unless it is necessary to openthe lock while avoiding the OD/OST, then refer to 10.2. If the Incorrect code signal is output after the first code input, theentry must be repeated completely. If the Incorrect code signal is displayed after the second code input, the secondentered code is incorrect or identical to the first input (identical IDs). In both cases the input must be repeatedcompletely. After a total of 3 incorrect inputs the lock switches to the guard time (see chapter 10.5). It is irrelevant here,whether the faulty input was in the first or the second code. Even if the faulty inputs occur in the first or second codealternately, after 3 incorrect inputs the lock switches to the guard time.10.4 Opening with silent alarmIf there is a threatening situation, the lock can be opened with simultaneous generation of a silent alarm, provided the silentalarm has been activated according to chapter 9.5 and the lock is connected to an intruder detection system (not included in thescope of delivery). A special alarm code derived from a valid code must be entered for this purpose (if the double code isactivated, one of the codes is sufficient). If an alarm code is entered, the lock opens externally as usual but a silent alarm isinitiated additionally without further visible/audible feedback.The alarm code consists of a valid code, the last position/digit of this code is increased or decreased by one digit (+1 or -1; seeexamples). If the last code digit is 0 or 9, then the digit next to the last in the alarm code is not changed (see example 2). If anopening delay has been programmed, this time has to elapse still in spite of the alarm code input.If the silent alarm is deactivated, the alarm codes are acknowledged as incorrect codes and the lock cannot be openedresp. the OD is not activated.Examples:Normal code 00123459 Normal code 00123456Alarm code -1 00123458 Alarm code -1 00123455Alarm code +1 00123450 Alarm code +1 00123457Table 24: Alarm code examples