e. KYBD TRIG and LFO TRIG {Fig. 18)The Selector of KYBD TRIG and LFO TRIG, located at the upper left side of the panel,determines to let the Envelope Generator operate with either the keyboard or the outputwave form of the LFO.Set all the controllers and selectors of your 100F to match the settings of Fig. 18. In thisstate, the VCA is being controlled by the EIW II and the Envelope Selector of the ENV II ison ADR (/V.), therefore a wave form of a sharp rise and immediate decay shown in Fig. 19(a)-1 is obtained. This time, by depressing a key, only the wave form of (a)-1 is obtained.Now, switch the Operation Selector of the ENV I to LFO TRIG and depress a key. Waveforms like Fig. 19 (a)-1 ,2,3, are obtained continuously. This is because the start of operationof the ENV I, II is repeated at every double oscillation frequency of the LFO (indicated byarrow marks shown in Fig. 19 (b)) as you depress the key. The repeat speed is controlled bychanging the oscillation frequency of the LFO. The LFO TRIG is used for creating a repeatedtone like a mandolin or a marimba.Fig. 19Operating ENVI, ENVII with LFO\Operating ENVI, ENVII with KeyboardTUNEVOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSC.VCF20KHZ OSCCUT OFF PEAKVOLTAGE CONTROLLED FILTERArF=f=n*\— nn.^ g &LFO ENV IFig. 18lO