4. Basic Method of sound Producing SoundFollowing all the given instructions, let's produce actual sounds. Themost important point in producing a sound is to well acquaint withthe characteristics of the sound which you are creating.We suggest you will analyze the pitch range, tone color, changes ofpitch at the attack or the decay, and study which selectors and con-trollers are most applicable in order to obtain the character of thesound. Please refer to the fundamental methods in the followingpages. Further you will find many more variations are created byyour own method. .....4-1 Ftute Family Tone (Fig. 20)The character of this tone family, as represented by Flute, is soft and contains few harmonics.(1) Selecting the Pitch Range and the Sound Source WaveformThe compass of a flute is equivalent to the middle range of a piano. So, set the VCO PitchRange to 8 feet. The sound of a flute contains strong fundamental tone (the tone with thebasic pitch of the sound) and few overtones beyond the second harmonics (the tone of oneoctave higher than the basic pitch). The sawtooth wave which contains all the integral(1,2,3,...) harmonics is used for the sound source.(2) Arranging the Sound TimbreSince the flute sound contains very few harmonics, it is necessary to cut high overtones bylowering the cutoff frequency of the VCF. Set the sound soft with less harmonics byadjusting the Cutoff Controller and the ENV I Controller. It is unnecessary to emphasize thefrequency around the cutoff point, therefore fix the Peak Controller at LEVEL 0. In thiscase, as you are adjusting the tone timbre while listening, move up the VCA Gain Controller.(3) Setting the Tonal Change during its Attack and Decay PeriodThe sound of a real flute has comparatively few overtones at its attack period (the beginningof the play), then gains a slight increase of them. Such a tonal change by time can becontrolled by the ENV I. Set the Envelope Selector to AH(f\) and adjust the tonal changeat its attack and decay period.