Kawai 100F Owner's Manual
c. Function of LFO on VCO (Fig. 7}Your 100F provides the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) which controls the VCO and theVCF.Set the 100F back to the state of Fig. 4. Then set the LFO Controller @, placed on the lowerleft centre of the panel, to LEVEL 2, then depress a note on the keyboard. If you raise theLFO Controller (§), while holding the key down, the pitch will rise and fall periodically. Asyou raise the controller upwards, the fluctuation of the pitch is increased. When theController is all the way up, only the lower pitch sound is heard intermittently. This meansthat the higher frequency becomes beyond audible (usually above 20kHz). In this state, ifyou raise the LFO Controller (g), the speed of the intermittent sound (repeat speed)becomes faster. If you lower the Controller, it becomes slower. The speed can be changedcontinuously from 0.03 Hz to 50 Hz.The LFO of the 100F produces three different output wave forms,sawtooth{/Vl), triangle(AA) and square! n_T).These wave forms can be selected by the LFO Waveform Selector.When the square wave is fed to the VCO, the pitch alternates between high and low, thereforemarimba like sound can be created. The triangle wave changes the pitch continuously, so thisis used to obtain the Vibrato Effect. When the sawtooth wave is selected, the pitch risescontinuously then suddenly falls down from a certain point to the original low level. Thiswave form, therefore, can be used to make the water dripping tone for instance. Try outvarious changes in wave forms or speed.Fig. 7LFOAAn_r0.03HzLOW/ FREQUENCY /OSC.1Changing LFO Waveform Changing of the (§) Changing VCOfrequency Selector of depth ofDelay pitch levelLFO Vibratod. Delay VibratoThe Delay Vibrato is the effect to obtain the vibrato a little while after a key is depressed.The Delay Vibrato is often used for string instruments sound such as a violin or a cello toprovide an extra reality to the sound.Set the LFO Controller ® to LEVEL 4, and the LFO Waveform Selector to triangle wave,then move the DELAY VIB Controller. You will notice that the Delay Vibrato effect isobtained. The effect becomes deeper as your raise the Controller.Changing the time of Portamente. Portamento (Fig. 8)The Portamento is the effect of sliding changeof the pitch while a note played is shifted toanother on the keyboard.Set the PORTAMENTO Controller, placed onthe lower left side of the panel, to LEVEL 10.Then depress the lowest note "C".Holding the key down, depress the highest note"C". You can hear the pitch rises continuously.Then release the highest note "C". The slidingfall of the pitch is recognized.The MODE selector gives different Portamentoeffects being related with the ways of depress-ing keys.Fig. 8Portament ofMode SelectorWhen the MODE Selector is at A, the Portamento is obtained at both staccato (discontinuousplaying of notes on the keyboard) and legato (continuous playing). (Fig. 9 (a) (b)}.When the MODE Selector is at B or C, it is obtained only at the legato palying. (Fig. 9 (b)only). However, when the MODE Selector is at C, the Envelope Generator is operated by thelegato playing. This is noticed by setting the Pitch Control Selector of the VCO (Page. 9 ) toENV II, and the Envelope Selector of the ENV II to ADRf/Vj or AD(/\_), and playingnotes leagto on the keyboard. Regarding the function of the ENV II, refer to Page 9.Fig. 9#P^P:a) (b) |
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