Page81PART NAMESAND FUNCTIONS CONCERT MAGICPress the CONCERT MAGICbutton to enjoy listening to orperforming a collection ofpre-programmed piano songs.Concert Magic will provide thecorrect melody andaccompaniment notes,regardless of which keys arepressed. (Page 16) LESSONPress the LESSON button toaccess the etudes or Alfredlesson books (USA, Canada,UK, AU only), for an enjoyablepiano lesson experience.(Page 19) RECORDERThe PLAY/STOP button is usedto start/stop playback of therecorded song. The REC buttonis used for recordingperformances. (Page 22) METRONOMEUse this button to turn themetronome on/off. (Page 14) SOUND SELECTSelect the desired instrument bypressing this button repeatedly,or by holding down this buttonand pressing one of the lowestfifteen white keys. (Page 12)1. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONSThis section explains the locations and functions of the panel sliders and buttons. CONTROL PANEL USING THE ENCLOSED FUNCTION LABELA 'function label' is included with the CN21. Placing this label at the back of the keyboard will prove useful whenselecting different sounds or changing values, such as the metronome time signature.Position the function label so that the left end, marked 'CONCERT GRAND (off/-)' is aligned with the lowest key.The underside of the function label is sticky, allowing this information to be attached to the CN21 instrument forgreater convenience.function label