59EDIT Menu10./11. Velocity Switch / Velocity Switch Value mode : off, soft, loud / value : 0 ~ 127These parameters enable velocity switching, and set the velocity switch type and value.Velocity Switching is useful when combining multiple zones, allowing different sounds to be played depending on the velocity of the key strike.Switch Mode DescriptionOff The selected sound will play normally (i.e. no velocity switching).Soft The selected sound will play only when the velocity is lower than the defined velocity switch value.Loud The selected sound will play only when the velocity is higher than the defined velocity switch value.* For more information about velocity switching, please refer to page 48.12. Solo on , offThis parameter determines whether or not playing will berestricted to single notes, even when more than one note isplayed simultaneously.This parameters can be used to effectively simulate the performancecharacteristics of a monophonic synthesizer.13. Solo Mode last, H igH, lowThis parameter selects the solo mode for the selected zone.Solo Mode DescriptionLast Play the last note of a group of notes.High Play the highest note of a group of notes.Low Play the lowest note of a group of notes.14. Transmit Keyboard on , offThis parameter determines whether or not keyboard Key ON/Key OFF event data will be transmitted to an external MIDIdevice.