EN3.4.7 Material thickness and weld shape displayWhen operating in AUTOMATIC mode the material thickness is displayed, based on your inputselections for plate thickness in mm. As you adjust the power control (2), you will see thegraphic indicating plate thickness become thicker or thinner. Select the desired settings andyou are ready to weld.3.5 Crater fillCrater fill function is OFF by default, when you start the machine. Press Crater fill button toselect Crater fill function ON.3.5.1 Crater fill (wire feed speed or power)This control knob increases and reduces the speed of filler wire delivery or power to thewelding arc at crater fill phase. The scale is regulated in meters per minute or amperes.3.5.2 Crater fill (voltage or arc length)This control knob increases and reduces the available output voltage of the machine to thewelding arc. The scale is regulated in volts.In automatic mode this control knob offers minor arc voltage adjustment for fine tuning thewelding arc at crater fill phase.15© Kemppi Oy / 1445