36 ñ EnglishÑ KENWOOD Route Network Service “RouteCollector” User’s AgreementThis KENWOOD Route Network Service “RouteCollector” User’s Agreement (“Agreement”) sets forththe terms and conditions for use of the KENWOODRoute Network Service “Route Collector” provided byJVCKENWOOD Corporation (“Service”) to the userswho fulfill the requirements for “Conditions of Use” inthe paragraph 1 (“User(s)”), and the rules for handlingUser’s information necessary for use this Service.1. Conditions of UseUsers who desire to take advantage of this Servicemust however first register themselves upon agreeingto the terms of this Agreement. This Service may onlybe used by Users for personal use, not for commercialuse.The terms of this Agreement may be revised ormodified as necessary at our option without priornotice. In such event, Users shall hereby agree to theapplication of any such revisions or modifications as acondition to continued use of the Service.Also, Users shall be solely responsible for managingand using their registered user account namesand passwords. In no event can we accept anyresponsibility for any problems or damages resultingfrom the User’s management and usage of its useraccount name and password management.2. Period for the ServiceUsers may in principal continue to use the Serviceas long as it is being provided by us. However, theService may be changed, suspended or cancelled atour option without prior notice.3. DisclaimerThe User shall undertake use of the Service at its ownindividual responsibility, and accordingly we shall notassume any responsibility for usage of the Service bythe User, including but not limited to the examplesas follows.(1) We shall make no warranty as to completeness,legality, moral correctness, recentness, andappropriateness of the Service and the User shallassume full risk and individual responsibility forusing the Service.(2) We shall assume no responsibility for any loss ordamage that may be incurred by the User due to itsuse of or inability to use the Service, regardless ofwhether such loss or damage is direct or indirect,foreseeable or unforeseeable, including but notlimited to special damages.(3) We shall not be involved in nor assumeresponsibility for any acts, problems, and otherissues between Users.(4) Should any third parties suffer losses or damagesas a result of the User’s use of the Service, we shallassume no responsibility therefor.(5) Should the User suffer losses or damages frommisuse by any third parties of the User’s registereduser account name or password for the Service, weshall assume no responsibility therefor.4. Prohibited MattersConcerning the use of the Service, the following orsimilar acts by the User are prohibited. Further, shouldwe determine that the User has violated the terms ofthis Agreement, we reserve the right to suspend useof the Service by the User without prior notice, or takeother necessary measures as we may deem necessary.In such case, we bear no obligation to disclose ourreasons therefor.(1) Acts for commercial purposes or gain(2) Use of the account name or password of his own orany third parties for improper purposes(3) Infringement or acts that may likely infringe onthe intellectual property rights of third parties(including but not limited to copyrights, designrights, patent, utility model rights, trademark, tradesecrets, and know-how)(4) Infringement or acts that may likely infringe on theproprietary rights, honor, trustworthiness, portraitrights, privacy, publicity rights, and other rights orprofits(5) Dissemination or distribution or acts that may likelyconstitute dissemination or distribution of contentsthat may be offensive to public orals and morals, ordefamatory to third parties(6) Criminal acts, acts associated with criminal acts, oracts that may likely be criminal(7) Dissemination or distribution of junk mail, spam ormalicious programs such as the computer viruses(8) Dissemination or distribution of false information(9) Obstruction or acts that may likely constituteobstruction of the operation of the Service(10)Acts that cause or that may likely cause trouble,disadvantages or damages to us or third parties(11)Use of the Service for illegal purposes