Important Notice Concerning the SoftwareSoftware License Attached tothe ProductThe Software embedded in the Productiscomposedofseveral independent software components, and in eachofsuch individual components, a copyrightofeitherJVCKENWOOD or a third party subsists.The Productusesthe softwarecomponentdesignatedin the End-User License Agreement that was executedbetweenJVCKENWOOD and a third party (hereinafter"EULA")."EULA"covers those correspondingtofree software, and,asa conditionofdistributionofthesoftwarecomponentin executable format whichisbased onthelicense grantedunder theGNU General Public License or Lesser GeneralPublic License (hereinafter "GPULGPL''), it requires anavailabilityofthe source code for the relevant component.For detailsofthe softwarecomponentcovered by "GPULGPL'',please visit the following website:URL: note that we are unabletoanswer any inquiryrelatingtothe contents, etc.ofthe source code.In addition, the softwarecomponentofthe Productincludes the software developed or created independentlybyJVCKENWOOD, and there exists an ownershipofJVCKENWOOD in such software and any accompanyingdocuments, whichisprotected by the Copyright Law, anyinternational treaties and other applicable laws.Astomatters concerning the handlingofJVCKENWOODsoftware components, please refertothe "Software LicenseAgreement" attached hereto. Please note that any softwarecomponent licensed under"EULA"whichisnotsubjectto"GPULGPL'~and those developed or created independentlybyJVCKENWOOD shallnotbe subjectto the requirementfor provisionofthe source code.The software component distributed under "GPULGPL''shall be licensed to users without charge, and, therefore,no warrantyisgiven for such software component, eitherexpress or implied, within the scopeofthe applicable lawsand regulations.Unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws andregulations or agreed in written form, noneoftheownersofthe copyright or persons entitledtoalter or redistribute thesoftwarecomponentunderthesaid license shall have anyliability for any typeofdamage orlossresulting from the useofor inabilitytouse such software component.Forfurtherdetailsofthe conditionsofuseofsuch softwarecomponentor matters requiredtobe complied with, please refertotherelevant"GPULGPL''.Users areurgedtoread the details fortherelevant licensecarefully before usingthesoftwarecomponentcovered by"GPULGPL''and embedded in the Product. Since the termsand conditionsofindividual licenses are provided by partiesother thanJVCKENWOOD,the original English version willbe included.3