102102Return to the Top pageAppendix●■ USBFO-REPThe folder repeat function is on.VIDEOIdentifies the video file.MUSICIdentifies the music file.PICTUREIdentifies the picture file.RDMThe random function is on.REPThe repeat function is on.PLSTThe play list mode is selected now.●■ iPodMUSICIdentifies the music file.VIDEOIdentifies the video file.RDMThe random function is on.A-RDMThe album random function is on.REPThe repeat function is on.●■ TunerAUTO1Seek mode is set to AUTO1.AUTO2Seek mode is set to AUTO2.MANUALSeek mode is set to MANUAL.STA stereo broadcast is being received.TIIndicates the reception state of trafficinformation.• White: TP is being received.• Orange: TP is not being received.CRSCThe CRSC (P.45) function is on.●■ HD RadioAUTO1Seek mode is set to AUTO1.AUTO2Seek mode is set to AUTO2.MANUALSeek mode is set to MANUAL.HDHD Radio station is being received.M/SA multicast digital broadcast is being received.ANALOGAn analog broadcast is being received.DIGITALA digital broadcast is being received.STA stereo broadcast is being received.TAGTagging is enabled.●■ SIRIUS/XMSCNThe channel scan function is on.SEEK1Seek mode is set to SEEK1.SEEK2Seek mode is set to SEEK2.