5656Return to the Top pageBluetooth OperationUsing Hands-Free UnitYou can use telephone function byconnecting the Bluetooth telephone to thisunit.Downloading the phonebookIf you want to use your phonebook data, itis necessary to download the data from thecell-phone to this unit in advance.1 Operate the cell-phone to send thephonebook data to this unit.2 Operate the cell-phone to start thehands-free connection.NOTE• If your cell-phone supports auto-download ofphonebook but not downloaded automatically,follow the procedure above to downloadmanually.• See the instruction manual of your cell-phone forthe operation.• Up to 1000 phone numbers can be registered foreach registered cell-phone.• Up to 32 digits for and 25 digits foror can be registered for eachphone number along with up to 50 charactersrepresenting a name. (50 is the number ofalphabetical characters. Fewer characters can beinput depending on the type of characters.)• Depending on the type of your cell-phone, thefollowing restrictions are placed;• The phonebook data cannot be downloadednormally.• Characters in the phonebook are garbled.• To cancel downloading the phonebook data,operate the cell-phone.Making a call1 Press the button.Hands Free screen appears.