11TK-480/4817-16. Intercept ToneThis tone indicates that the transceiver is out of range. Itindicates that the PTT button is pressed, and transmissionhas started, but the repeater cannot be connected and talk-ing is not possible. It is output until the PTT button is re-leased. (The mid tone and low tone are output alternately in200ms intervals.)7-17. Delay ToneThis tone is output when the PTT button is pressed andthe repeater is accessed three times or more to indicateconnection with the repeater is delayed. This tone is thesame as the busy tone. (It is not output of clear to talk hasbeen set to yes.)7-18. Proceed ToneThis tone is output when the PTT button is pressed,transmission starts, and the repeater is connected to indi-cate that the user can talk if the clear to talk function hasbeen set. (The high tone is output for 100ms.)7-19. Queue ToneThis tone is output until the auto TEL function is set andthe TEL channel is accepted successfully. (The mid tone onfor 50ms, off for 50ms, and on for 50ms in 1 second inter-vals.)7-20. Deny ToneThis tone is output if the auto TEL function is set, thequeue tone is output, but the TEL channel cannot be ac-cessed within 60 seconds. It is similar to the intercept tone.(The mid tone and low tone are output alternately in 150msintervals.)7-21. Free System Ringback Mode Tone, SystemSearch Mode ToneThis tone indicates that the transceiver is free systemringback mode or system search mode. (The mid tone isoutput for 400ms.)7-22. Ringing ToneThis tone indicates that the transceiver can use the re-peater in free system ringback mode. (The mid tone and notone are output eight cycles alternately in 50ms intervals.)7-23. System Search ToneSounds when the system changes during system search.You can select yes or no for the optional feature's warningtone.7-24. System Search End ToneSounds when a possible connection to a repeater in sys-tem search is not mode. You can select yes or no for theoptional feature’s warning tone.OPERATING FEATURES / REALIGNMENTREALIGNMENT1. ModesMode FunctionUser mode For normal use.Panel test mode Used by the dealer to check the funda-mental characteristics.Panel tuning mode Used by the dealer to tune the radio.PC mode Used for communication between theradio and PC (IBM compatible).Data program- Used to read and write frequency dataming mode and other features to and from the radio.PC test mode Used to check the radio using the PC.This feature is included in the FPU.See panel tuning.Firmware program- Used when changing the main programming mode of the flash memory.Clone mode Used to transfer programming data fromone radio to another.2. How to Enter Each ModeMode OperationUser mode Power ONPanel test mode [A]+Power ON (Two seconds)PC mode Received commands from PCPanel tuning mode [Panel test mode]+[S]Firmware programming mode [S]+Power ON (Two seconds)Clone mode [C]+Power ON (Two seconds)3. Panel Test ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.4. Panel Tuning ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.User modePanel test modePC modeFirmware program-ming modePanel tuning modeData program-ming modePC test mode PC tuning modeClone mode