8TK-480/481 OPERATING FEATURES5. Option Signalling5-1. DTMFBuilt-in DTMF decoder is available for option signalling.It is possible to use individual call, group call, D.B.D.(Dead Beat Disable). D.B.D. is used with DTMF only.If the option signalling matches, a predetermined actionwill occur.If option signalling matches on a group which is set upwith option signalling, the option signalling indicator ( ) willflash and option signalling will be released. The transpondor alert tone will sound.If the selective call alert LED is set up, the orange LEDwill flash.While option signalling matches (or if option signalling isdeactivated when you are transmitting), you can mute orunmute ID/QT/DQT/Carrier. AND/ORYou can select AND or OR for option signalling matchconditions.Alert/TranspondAND QT/DQT/ID+DTMF; Option matches = ActionOR QT/DQT/ID+DTMF; Option matches = ActionAF mute openAND QT/DQT/ID+DTMF; Option matches = ActionOR QT/DQT/ID; Signalling only matches = ActionWith OR set up, alert/transpond will not function withonly DTMF.With OR set up, AF mute will not release when onlyDTMF matches.With a conventional group not set up with QT or DQT,only the carrier is considered when signalling matches. Auto ResetIf option signalling matches a group set up with optionsignalling, option signalling is released. After matching op-tion signalling, option signalling will temporarily reset auto-matically. Dead Beat DisableIf the D.B.D. code matches, a predetermined action willoccur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, whenD.B.D. matches on any group, the transceiver will becomeTX inhibited or TX/RX inhibited. While D.B.D. is active, if theD.B.D. code + “#” code is received, D.B.D. will disactivate.When D.B.D. matches, transpond will function. Alert willnot be output, and option signalling match icon will not ap-pear.5-2. MSKBuilt-in MSK (FleetSync™ : Fleet-ID) decoder is availablefor option signalling. When the group ID matches, squelchremains muted while the station waits for reception ofproper MSK signal. When MSK signal matches, squelchunmutes. AND/ORAND : QT/DQT/ID + MSK to unmute. MSK matches =alert toneOR : QT/DQT/ID to unmute. MSK matches = alert tone6. Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function(FleetSync™)6-1. GeneralT h e A l p h a n u m e r i c T w o - w a y P a g i n g F u n c t i o n(FleetSync™) is a Kenwood proprietary protocol. It enablesa variety of paging functions.6-2. ID ConstructionA radio unit ID is defined by a combination of 3-digit Fleetand 4-digit ID numbers. Each radio unit must be assigned itsown Fleet and ID numbers.6-3. PTT IDA pre-programmed unique ID (Own) can be sent at thebeginning of transmission and/or the end of transmission toidentify which radio unit is on air.When selecting (Sel) for MSK ID, the radio calls the spe-cific Fleet user the same as selective call.6-4. Selective Call (SELCALL)This is a voice call to a particular individual or group ofstations. Example of call types;[100][ALL ] : All the units whose fleet number is “100” are called.[100][1000] : The unit, whose the fleet number is “100” and ID num-ber is “1000”, is called.[ALL][ALL ] : All the units are called.[ALL][1000] : All ID “1000” are called regardless of their fleet number. Unit ID Encode BlockEncode ID Block can be set to limit manual dial ID. Theradio unit will not accept an ID other than these IDs whichare entered from the keypad. If Inter-fleet Call is enabled,block ID setting affects each fleet group.6-5. Status MessageUsing a 2-digit number, you can send and receive a Sta-tus message which may be decided in your talk group. EachStatus may be displayed with 16 alphanumeric characters ifprogrammed in the radio. A maximum of 9 received mes-sages can be stored in the stack memory, and it can be re-viewed after reception. If the message memory becomesfull, the oldest one will be erased. The stack memory will becleared by turning radio power off.