Reverse track searchBriefly press the 4 button.When you press this button once, theplayer returns to the start of the trackyou are listening to. Each time youpress the button, the track number onthe display decreases. The playerplays the track with the track numbershown on the display.When the 4 button on the displayunit is held down, the player fast-rewinds while playing the track.If you try reverse track search whileplaying track 1, the player will resumeplay at the start of track 1; it does notsearch for the last track.Forward track searchBriefly press the 3 button.Each time you press this button, thetrack number on the displayincreases. The player plays the trackwith the track number shown on thedisplay.When the 3 button on the displayunit is held down, the player fast-forwards while playing the track.If you try forward track search whileplaying the last track on a disc, theForward track search function doesnot work.Reverse disc searchPress the - button.Each time you press this button, thedisc number on the displaydecreases. The player plays the discwith the disc number shown on thedisplay.Forward disc searchPress the + button.Each time you press this button, thedisc number on the display increases.The player plays the disc with thedisc number shown on the display.Track/Disc search11NOTENOTET R A C K DISCT R A C K DISC3+-4- +4 3C D A U T O C H A N G E R C O N T R O L L E RREPRDM3- +4 ¢PWR' M . R D M D . R E PT R A C K D I S C8/D . S C N M H zDISCT R A C K1 2 34 5 67 8 90 RANDOMMAGA DISCPOWER6REPEATDISC TRACKSCANDISC TRACK4 ¢TRACK- DISCPLAY/PAUSE+Track No.Disc No.Disc changer control features